I've created a msn group!!
add this email add~~
we can chat everything there jor~~ everyone can see it also..!!
i've added the email add~~ wat about u guys??!!! add la..!!
let's make the group HOT!!!!
posted by zifei!!
4 BBQ mooncake celebration >>>
another gathering during exam break... Why?? Why Our KP so angry?? Curious? Scroll down!!
CF 001
Brand : Echolac brand of Japan
Colour : Black
Owner : Ho Tian Ai
Price : Priceless.
Colour : Red
Owner : Keng Zi Hui
Price : Priceless.
CF 003
Brand : Nike
Colour : Baby Blue
Owner : Ho Wai Yan
Price : Priceless.
Brand : Pasar Malam?
Colour : Blue ?
Owner : Tong Wai Leong 唐薇良
Price : RM O.OO
Model : Mr Li Sai Mun
Camera : Ho Tian Ai
第一句 : 沒有一百分的另一半 只有五十分的兩個人
第二句 : 付出真心 才會得到真心 卻也可能傷得徹底 保持距離 就能保護自己 卻也註定永遠寂寞
第三句 : 通常願意留下來跟你爭吵的人 才是真正愛你的人
第四句 : 有時候 不是對方不在乎你 而是你把對方看得太重
第五句 : 冷漠 有時候並不是無情 只是一種避免被傷害的工具
第六句 : 如果我們之間有1000 步的距離 你只要跨出第1步 我就會朝你的方向走其餘的999 步
第七句 : 為你的難過而快樂的 是敵人 為你的快樂而快樂的 是朋友 為你的難過而難過的 就是那些 該放進心裡的人
第八句 : 就算是Believe 中間也藏了一個Lie
第九句 : 真正的好朋友 並不是在一起就有聊不完的話題 而是在一起 就算不說話 也不會感到尷尬
第十句 : 朋友就是被你看透了 還能喜歡你的人
我在我朋友的BLOG看到了这个。非常有意思!! POST上来和大家分享一下~~!! 我也还满赞同第九句的说!! (((m-_-)m
看到他们吃到津津有味的样子就知道那香焦船有多好吃!! 被偷拍了也不知道!! 哈哈!!
被发现了!! 快面对镜头笑一个吧!! PEACE~~!! Ice Cream 好好吃喔!!
小弟,你在吸还是在吃啊?!! 需要吸着么用力吗??!!
这也是我可爱乾弟弟!! 楼上小弟的弟弟!!
Posted by ting~~!!
aik?? still can laugh geh?? (Ting : '' Ivy ur si fat so big!! i cannot sit la!! '') kekeke
our 'leng zai' driver simon~~~!!!
we chit chat n chit chat then walked to the lift!! here the camera girl!! at lift aso wn 2 take pic!!lol...so paiseh...
1st we entered the room..we saw 2 cockroachs!!!! OMG!!! Cf showed the 2 cockroachs to the manager!! haha!! we want to change room~~!!!! bla bla bla bla...Finally we get a new room!! aiya..this time the computer got problem!! lalala...we ordered food n drinks!! Finally!!! Let's sing!!! 1st ppl to open the "emas mouth"r me(ting) n zihui!! YEAH!! hehe!! we sang YAN LEI DOU XIAO LE by LIU LI YANG!bla bla bla..
wah~~!! everyone was buzy-ing their own stuff wor.. aik?? zifei so hungry meh? haha!!
wat happen to weng lam?? both of them like 2 gay fella.. haha!!
see CF so happy~~!! leading us 2 sing~~!! abcdefg...
(zifei)haha~~!! b4 we got into the neway~~!! we thought of many many songs to sing.. got oldies songs, got "in" songs and so on.. haha!! firstly, we sang the quite "in" songs first~~ then followed by the oldies.. wakaka!! when talk about the oldies.. lol!! all of 'em got shocked when my oldies songs were played!! hahaha!!! weng lam said " yao mou gao cho ah?? " so old de song also played ah?? haha!! coz i played "chong hoi yat sing siu~~!!"haha!! i somemore played "cha sao bao"haha~~!! everyone was sooo excited when singing cha sao bao.. lol!!
three leng luis singing cha sao bao ah~~!!!! haha!!
ok~~!! then, comes with the purpose we went to sing k besides relaxing our mind.. *dang dang dang dang* we celebrated aiai's belated birthday!!! hehe..^^ we sang songs sang till half way, then ivy requested the waiter to played a birthday song for our belated bufday gurl~~!! wow!! the bufday song damn looooong~~!! we sing till wanna die jor.. haha!! at last, the song ended with the "yong zhou yi" wishing aiai HAPPY "BES"DAY.. haha!!
aiai seem so happy wor.. haha!! singing besday song!!! wakakaka!!!
hmmm.. we sang lots of songs.. but there's one song really impressed me..!! the song is "peng you" sang by emil zhou~~!! 7 of us sang this song together, i felt very touch!! coz as i know that we will still keep in touch with each other although we separated one day for our further study.. ^^ aiya~~!! suddenly so touch tim!! T.T haha!! here goes the pic when we're singing peng you~~!!
peng you yi sheng yi qi zhou~~ na xie ri zhi bu zai you~~!!
eh.. apa nak tulis lagi?? to be continued~~!!
hehe..^^ written by zihui aka zifei also aka flying paper.. & ting
ok.. let me ho aiai to finish the ending..hehe~~
the owner of flying paper come to our room and waiting for her daugther to finish singing.. sitting happily seeing us crazy..
Suddenly.. the waitress come in and wanna count her in bill too.. wow.. sooooooooo greedy meh.. but then as our respected auntie.. the waitress kena scrrrreewww uppp!!!! haha~~ dai sei la..
but then the clock almost strikes 6pm.. time to leave.. but before leaving muz 'bill plz..' so simon and ivy count the ge ling shou.. like million times with million.. billion multiply by billion.. ($_$) taking out all kinds of calculator.. at last~~ they found a conclusion.. Everyone muz pay lor~
then we hav to leave.. *sob.. sob..* *SAD song start playing*.. when we go.. my fav apologies starts!! but hav to go that night hav bio tuition..
then simon sent me, ting, weng lam and chiew foong home safely..
thx ya!! (>.<)
but things isnt go as smooth as we thought.. zi fei accompany ivy until 6.45pm.. (i know u san fu la.. sek fan sek fan.. petting her.. hehe~) when ivy said.. en.. can go dy.. zi fei start thinking to feel yeng!!
so.. zi fei want to yeng for that few seconds.. she have a huge green bag that as huge as the basket that auntie took to pasar.. but she feel very proud of that greeeen bag.. she always advertise her bag :
it doesnt seem got any problem rite?? no no no..
zi fei wan to yeng! then she took her grreeeen bag, letting it on her shoulder nicely.. yengly she swing her bag.. thinking she is the most yeng, beautiful, smart princess in that room.. (2 ppl only) her happy song playing and playing.. *slow motionly*
her grreeen perfect bag has did something criminal!!! the bag kill a glass!! even the mother of the glass oso cannot recognise her child.. pity.. gloomy.. *sob.. sob...*
zi fei quickly jump over the table and grab ivy' hand.. their action had arost the waitress awareness.. the waitress very quickly dress up like SWAT.. chasing after them.. they roll under the counter, cross over trolley, run like chicken to the lift... and push the button.. ding!! the lift door had open..
zi fei quickly show off some taekwondo stunned and ivy strikes out her kung fu!! scare mei? hehe.. then of course they also quickly press the close button.. the SWAT scare kena tipu by their posing...
ding!! zi fei quickly ran to her mum's car!! and calling her mum to drive as fast as she could.. scare the SWAT still chasing after her...
fortunately, everyone went home safely~~!!
written by Aiai.
OK!!! nw come to behind the story!!!
kekee~~~ wei~!! nt me take de oooo~~~ kekeke
what kind of dance u 2 dancing wor...N 'nian dai' de dance izzitt..OUT lo~~hahahha
our TOKOH MURID!! CHONG CHIEW FOONG!!! aiyo.. sit nicely la plzz..so relax meh
blur blur cf~~!!
our DA GA JIE~~~!!! ( qing shou xiao di yi bai) kekekeke
zihui y u close ur eyes to sing ha??!! hahaha
lalalalala~~EH!! cf where is ur mic??!! hahaha...no mic aso cn sing wor!!! GENG~~!!
say cheeeesse~~
what song r u guys singing wor....so ''JI DONG''~~!! especially CF...ur mouth....haih~~ haha
da dang!!! simon what r u doing there??!!! screaming like a MONKEY!!! haha
Let's dance!!! YAHOO~~!!! Happy belated birthday to aiai~~!!!
Happy BES day 2 aiai~~!!!! dang dang dang!!!
AIAI~~!! do u know how 2 hold mic??!! c i lost my mouth dy!!
our ''SEXY'' driver~~~~ps: looks like MONKEY looooo paiseh~~kekekeke
three leng luis singing love song 2 the guys~~ haha ''SO LAM''
here come 4 of us~~!!! dang dang~~~ 4 leng luis~~!!!!
me n simon~~
acting cool de Weng lam & camera girl (ivy)...keke
peace~~~!!! y zi hui looks so sien??!!
ivy n me~~!!
weng lam n ivy again~~!!
me n cf~~!! my head looks so big compare to CF!!! cf go infront la u!!
the boys~~~ simon n weng lam!! where is cf??!!
me n aiai~~!!! HWAITING~~!!!
ivy n aiai~~!! sweet~~!!!
me, aiai and zihui~~~!!! leng lui leng lui~~!! hahahaha
zihui n simon~~!!
yeah!!! so happy~~!!! peace!!!
NG NG!!! cf where r u looking at har??!! the camera is infront u la nt the mic!!! no 1 want rampas ur mic!! put it down la!! haha..
Last..show XIA our leng leng GROUP pic!!!!! peace!!!! friends 4eva~~~!!!!!
BLACK + WHITE gang~~!!! PEACE~~!!! ^^v
HWAITING~~~!!!! friends 4eva!!!!!
BYEBYE~~~!! -Happy Memories- ^^V (ting)